Buzzed Bands Podcast, Ep. 2 w/ Cold Blood Club
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Announced: Apes & Androids Playing Shindig!
Monday, February 26, 2007
Atreyu - "Best Of" (I'm In It)

First of all I want to start by saying that this album was completely unneccesary. A greatest hits album by a band that only has three albums is pretty fucking stupid. Especially when there isn't a single track on the album not available on those 3 albums - no live shit, no rarities, etc. It's obvious they only made this album to get out of their contract with Victory.
Now that I got that out of the way I'll get on to the point. Last year I reveiwed the Atreyu show at Nokia Theatre. They were kind enough to give me a photo pass and I got some decent shots. About a month later I got an email from Victory saying they might use some of my pics in the album.
I kind of forgot about it for a while and then the other day I googled my name and I saw that I was in the credits for the album. Still I had no idea which pic it was so I went to the store and checked out. When I looked at the pics I recognized one and thought I found mine. Then I went and looked through my set and realized I was wrong. So now I have to figure out which one is mine but I didn't actually buy the album.
I emailed Victory about getting a copy but, not surprisingly, I never heard anything back. But they did properly credit me for whichever pic they used so at least I got that going for me.
The Morning Benders

Normally in the headline I would write the words "Band Alert" - but since these cats have already been on Pitchfork, Stereogum, and "countless blogs" I doubt I'm alerting you to anything. Nonetheless when I listened to the MP3's they sent me I was very pleased with their sound. I'm not really sure who they sound like but for some reason I thought of The Monkees - and I mean that in a good way. The sound is melodic but very playful at the same time. It's good stuff and I highly recommend checking out the tracks below.
One year ago in the northern region of California among the rolling hills of Berkeley, our lord God in heaven made love to the sweet sounds of rock n roll and gave birth to The Morning Benders. Started in a moment of magical bliss, just listening to the music of these four men combined will cure any disease known to man. They blend guitars with love to create songs that sound very much like a gentle morning walk on a warm summers day, when the wind rides on your shoulders and tosses your hair about with its soft caresses. Their songs remind listeners what it feels like to be alive again, creating an emotional spiral of euphoric ejaculations that dig deep into the heart of Rock And Roll. Indeed, their music is the music of gods, and their heavy show load this past year has proven them to be quite the presence in the bay area. They are a glowing flower of rock in this little musical garden we like to call Earth.
Damnit Anna - The Morning Benders
Last Today - The Morning Benders
Arcade Fire's Neon Bible On

The new album by Arcade Fire, "Neon Bible," is available in it's entirety on The catch is you have to register for NME to stream the album. I'm sure this thing is on the P2P networks by now but if you are opposed to stealing music then this is your best bet for hearing the album before March 6th.
Lou Reed & Pete Townsend (Live Video)
Friday, February 23, 2007
Tonight: Bootie Mash Up Bash Up @ Happy Ending
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Lou Reed & Pete Townsend Played Joe's Pub

Last night Lou Reed was joined on stage by Pete Townsend and J. Mascis. Pete was playing acoustic, Lou played electric, and J played acoustic as well. Apparently it was quite an outstanding show - at least according to the word of mouth I've heard. Here is what Pete had to say about the gig on his blog:
It was good to be a part of last night’s Attic Jam at Joe’s Pub in New York. I played at least one song with all the artists except Rachel’s co-host Jimmy Fallon. I played proper music with Rachel Yamagata, Rachel Fuller, Amos Lee, J-Mascis and Lou Reed. They are all real musicians, and great songwriters. It was particularly good to work with Lou for the first time; I love his music. He downplays his guitar playing, but we meshed perfectly. There was real magic.
Oh right, I didn't want to mention this because I thought it might ruin it but apparently Jimmy Fallon hosted and he and Pete did a "hilarious" skit together. They're also apparently working on a movie together which I'm sure will be outstanding - just like Taxi.
Tonight: Lit 5-Year Anniversary
Paul Sevigny Nick Zinner (YYY's) Brian Bell(Weezer) Tim Biskup (pop artist) Sean Dack (art star) Jess(Trash) Zack(Fresh Kills)BANDS:
Color Scheme(ex Built To Spill) Holy Hail Autodrone AlokeStalkersBack From Florida

Last night I flew back into the city from a week long stay in Orlando. That's why you haven't been seeing many posts here lately, btw. The week in Florida was a bit of a let down, as it was only over 55 degrees twice while we were there. It even hit 35 one night which is fucking ridiculous.
I was planning on catching up with a few old friends but that didn't happen since I didn't have wheels and I was stuck on the Disney compound. Speaking of Disney, some of the people working there are real bastards. I understand that shit gets tedious but come on buddy, there's no reason to be a jerk-off. The wait staff at Disney restaurants, on the other hand, are top notch and I usually don't notice shit like that.
Anyway, that's about it - I'm happy to be back in NYC. I really missed the cold and the debauchery. The wholesomeness down at Disney was really starting to make me uneasy. Although the teenage Spanish girls in thongs at Blizzard Beach were a nice diversion.
There are some events coming up that I'm going to be involved in so make sure you come back.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Tonight: Re-Make / Re-Model
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Danzig's House
Tonight: Andrew W.K. Live @ Misshapes
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Airport Blues

I'm sitting at JFK right waiting to get on my plane. It's been years since I've flown and damn have things changed. Getting all checked in wasn't nearly as bad as I expected based on some horror stories I've heard. That said it does seem like it's a bit of overkill - taking my shoes off? Anyway, I'm through all the bullshit and waiting to board. I'll be checking in periodically, if there's anything good going down in the Orlando area let me know.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Tonight: Shit Hammered and Andrew W.K. (The Comedian!)
New Type O Negative Song: "These Three Things"

Type O Negative was one of my favorite bands growing up. The Halloween shows at the Troc in Philly were fucking legendary. TON has been on hiatus for quite some time now but they are back with a new album called "Dead Again". Right now they're streaming a new track on their website called "These Three Things" and it's pretty damn good. The changes are a bit abrupt and could have been smoother but overall it's a good song. I'm very excited about hearing some new Type O.
Monday, February 12, 2007
People Are Assholes
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Band Alert: The Hourly Radio

Today: Housing Works $20 Bag Sale
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Ian MacKaye Testifies
Jack Bauer Vs. Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Ozzfest Update - Still Free...
Q: Will Ozzy play at my show?
A: Ozzy will headline ALL Ozzfest dates on the main stage.
Q: How do I get tickets?
A: Those signed up to will get the info on how to obtain their free tickets first! You will need to get a ticket just like previous Ozzfests however you will do so online and for FREE. You will need to go to or one of our sponsors websites to do this. Those who are signed up to will get an email with instructions and links once tickets are available.
You will print out your tickets and bring them to Ozzfest or get them from one of our sponsors. Yes each venue has it's own capacity level and only the amount of people allowed will gain entry. You will know you will be allowed entry because you have your ticket in advance. The show will be general admission. The seats will be first come first to sit there and watch the show in that seat basis. There will be still a 2nd stage and it will be located in the same area of the venue as previous Ozzfest. Yes, it will still be an outdoors show.
Now you are inside and you paid nothing. Merch, beer, water, food and soda price will NOT be raised more than any other show at that venue in the summer of 2007 to cover your free entry.
Q: Will there be a limit to the number of tickets I can buy?
A: Again, yes, there will be. The amount has not yet been determined, but there will be.
Q: How will I gain entrance?
A: You will print out or recieve the tickets that you have secured and you will bring those with you to the event, where you will exchange them for entrance.
Q: How will the seating be decided?
A: As in previous years, the second stage will still be general admission for everyone without seats. However, as far as main stage, it will be first come, first serve basis for both general admission AND the seats. Of course, you do not stake claim to seats, meaning that if you stand up and leave the seats, others are entitled to sit there.
Q: Will merchandise and concession prices be raised to make up for the lack of ticket price?
A: No. The prices will remain up to the individual artists to decide, however, there will be no expected raise in prices.
Q: How will the artists make money off of this?
A: They are free to book themselves at local shows on days before, after, and days OF the fest. Also, they are, as always, welcome to bring and sell merchandise.
Q: How different will the bill be from date to date?
A: Some second stage acts may change, however, the main stage acts will be comitted and appear throughout the tour, unless otherwise stated.
Q: Will bands autograph CD's at the FYE tent in 2007?
A: There will still be a tent where the bands sell and do their cd signings. It may be FYE or could another store who handles it, but either way you will be able to purchase the bands' performing cds and have them sign those.
Via The Gauntlet
HORSE The Band Design Contest

You have until 2:30 pacific standard time to create a half page ad for us that will be featured in the next issue of outburn magazine, a real publication.
the ad must be 300 dpi, half page magazine size.
it has to say HORSE the band's RADICALYSM TOUR
it has to have an erupting volcano with a radical dude surfing down the lava. the lava must be destroying a coastal metropolis in the background. other good things to include are dying and fleeing civilians, helicopters, and heavy duty jeeps, and maybe a harbor and marina being boiled by the lava.
the best ad wins. if you lose you get nothing
leave space (in the ocean or sky) for us to fill in the tour dates, and also a small space under our name for the other bands' logos.
oh yeah send us links to ads here or email them to
Free Ozzfest
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Tonight: Spiral Flag @ Matchless
9pm Spiral Flag,
10pm Magdyn Osh,
11pm The Hidden Ratio
2for1 on selected drinks
Manhattan ave @ Driggs ave
Greenpoint BK.

Monday, February 05, 2007
The Good, The Bad & The Queen (Review)

Tom says:
I think that it's only right that I ought to start this piece by admitting the following: I have grown into a very, very angry individual over the course of the past couple of years. Sometimes this anger seems to manifest itself as focused rage, and other times it comes as, well, a deep and palpable despair. And it reminds that, well, I'm angry. I'm angry about inequality, whether it's economic, social, or otherwise. I'm angry about it happening on national and global scales. Yeah. And I'm angry about the state of geopolitics and local politics, too. I'm angry that everyone in my generation is doomed to scales of debt and ecological disaster that will have no earthly frame of reference. I'm angry that personal morality has become a question of legislation coming from the douchebag Right, and the puissant Left, and that our country still has no idea of how to foster a sense of community or social responsibility on any useful scale. And yeah, I'm angry that two of the towns I've called home, New York and Boston, are being converted into giant, rival, city-sized condominium-estates. It's Bushworld meets the Bloomberg Republic and whenever I pause to think about I feel completely overwhelmed.
This sense of anger unloosed is one reason that, if pressed to make a pick, I would say that my favorite record from last year was The Thermals “The Body, the Blood and the Machine.” Suffice it to say that the album is a fucking classic punk rock treatise which skillfully suffused anger and melody and the like, and its release had impeccable timing. Anyway, “The Body...” is great, if you don't have it, get it. Because, if you're like me, then the Thermals' house brand of spot-on, shambling rock'n'roll is inspirational and life-affirming.
While “The Body, The Blood and The Machine” mined one side of existential dread, specifically that of fury, the record that I am discussing today, “The Good, The Bad and The Queen,” tackles the despair half. Make no mistake, Damon Albarn's new “supergroup” (perhaps the most outwardly blasé one ever constructed in terms of its collective demeanor), has not made a record about throwing in the towel or cashing in the chips or retiring to Iceland to watch the glaciers melt. The album never collapses in self-pity or bleak prophesy. Nonetheless, everything, every word, every harmony, every guitar or synth line, and every single drum break or fill, smacks of a kind of powerful solemnity. Whereas Albarn's last tour-de-force, the Gorillaz' “Demon Days” was not without thoughtful complexity or dread (see: title), “The Good, The Bad & The Queen” does not come off as its darker, grown-up companion piece. This is despite the fact that Danger Mouse is back once more on board behind the, err, the boards. Instead the resulting album is like neither Gorillaz album really. It's much more akin to the fantastic late-period Blur albums such as “13” and “Think Tank,” with the sonics of the former and the crafted cohesion of the latter. In short, Albarn has never written a record so beautiful, poetic, powerful, or well-resolved by its end.
In fact, I will go so far to say that I think that few ever have. Every single time I listen to “The Good, the Bad and The Queen” I like it more—by factors of like, ten. In one regard, the album sounds vaguely like music visiting emissaries from the future (come to our time) might bring with them. On the other hand, the more I listen to it, the more familiar it seems to become. What I'm really trying to say is that it might be one of the best records that I have ever heard. Honestly. The band, which on paper reads like this A-List Britpop + Ragga/Punk Allstar + AfroBeat Pioneer + B-List Britpop, genuinely pulls-off sounding organically constituted, and astonishingly, greater than the sum of its parts. Who knew that Paul Simonon could still play the bass after spending the last like 75 years in retirement, painting? Who knew that other guy from The Verve was actually stand up, lick for lick, to his English Guitar-Godness Graham Coxon? Who would have ever guessed that Fela Kuti's drummer (and musical director) was a fucking Gorillaz' fan?
Moreover, the album doesn't just cultivate a mood or atmosphere like other similarly ambitious projects settle for. Each and every song itself manages to speak volumes; and hear we get back to that funny thing about the natural cycles of human emotions. No matter how bleak the bass' pattern, or how ominously the piano chords strike in tracks like “Kingdom of Doom,” “Green Fields,” or the title track, invariably something (or rather, someone) manages to come along, by song's end, to elevate the mood of the proceedings. Suddenly, there comes a spectacular drum fill, or guitar flourish and boom! things are back in land of the living. The first verse of the breathtakingly gorgeous “80's Life” begins in such an ominous fashion, “Where do I see the light/ It's all gone dead in a way,” but Albarn can't help himself, and so in verse number two he reverses course, “Suddenly police run out and/ Hope is found in a sound.” Suffice it to say, this lyrical sea change is one of the most moving things I have ever heard. And so, all over “The Good, The Bad and The Queen,” at moments such as this one, despair is miraculously returned to hope and anger turned back into optimism. Fucking marvelous!
9.5 out of 10
Grossman = Gross, Man.
Speaking of quarterbacks , how about that Peyton Manning? Boy was he a let down. Hey dude, you finally got your ring and it only took you 7 post season interceptions to do it. Good job champ! You also received the first ever Super Bowl MVP By Default award. They had to give it to somebody right? Might as well be Peyton.
God what a horrible game...and I'm not talking regular season horrible. I'm talking about preseason horrible - 3 fumbles, 1 interception, a kickoff return, and a botched extra point. And that was just the first half! The whole thing just plain sucked.

Saturday, February 03, 2007
Band Alert: Sky Eats Airplane (They Need A Singer)
The band mixes electronic music with heavy as balls hardcore (metalcore if you will). I've heard lots of bands try this kind of thing and it usually sounds kinda dumb but these guys really make it work. At some points they kinda have a HORSE The Band thing going on and at other times an As I Lay Dying vibe. All of their songs on MySpace have over 100,000 - which ain't too shabby and means I might need a late pass on these guys.
They get kinda emo-y at times and that's not very cool but when they stick to the heavy electro shit they're killer. I recommend "Honest Hitchhikers" to start and then move up the line.
The band is currently looking for a new singer/screamer. They did a smart thing and posted a track sans vocals to which potential singers are asked to add vocals. Not a bad idea although it might be tough to add a clean sounding vocal line to a one track recording.