Royalties were payable quarterly and, before each quarter ended, I’d get the amounts, totaling into millions of dollars, that were to be dumped into bogus marketing programs to prevent the band from getting a royalty. It was nothing short of malicious. “Fuck those guys, they’re not entitled to that money,” was his quarterly lament.
Buzzed Bands Podcast, Ep. 2 w/ Cold Blood Club
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Former Victory Employee Reveals All
Tony from Victory is world renowned for being one of the most down and out dirtiest dudes in the record business. Everyone knows this about him who works in the biz on any level. He fucks bands over on a level that makes the major labels look like saints. But it wasn't until this very awesome blog post by a former employee that we knew just how bad this guy really is. It's very long so make sure you have some free time, I'm only halfway through. Seriously though you gotta read this, especially if you're in band.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Tonight: Rawles & Burning Angel
Rawles is playing with a special lineup tonight at The Living Room. Tom and Gabe (both occasional contributers here) will be part of tonight's backing band for the one and only Rawles. After that head over to Trash because Joanna and the rest of the Burning Angel girls will be there...naked, probably!

Thursday, July 26, 2007
Win 2 VIP Passes for TV On The Radio @ McCarren Pool is giving away 2 VIP passes for next Sunday's pool party, which just happens to be TV On The Radio! VIP gets you in through the back door + free booze, free snacks, and access to the partially shaded VIP section. Just go to the page and RSVP to enter:
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
This Past Weekend: Siren, Pool Party, & Kegger
The past weekend was fucking busy. It started with a party I had at my place. I threw a birthday party for my girlfriend which doubled as our house warming party. It was pretty awesome - keg of Stella, burgers and dogs on the grill, wine, vodka and all that sort of good shit. Everyone got hammered and it was fucking fun.
The next day we woke up with raging hangovers and headed to Coney Island for Siren. We got there a little before Black Lips went on. I managed to get my hands on VIP passes so I was backstage drinking as much as possible before the Lips started. When they took the stage I got myself a spot up front. Ever since the infamous show at Mercury Lounge I don't feel so safe up front at a Lips show.
They played a killer set and everyone was dancing and singing along. Towards the end they brought out their pet chicken. Then they went into a song and used an air canon to blast feathers all over the crowd. After that they were done and I headed to the boardwalk for a sausage hoagie and fries.
I missed whoever played next, I think it was We Are Scientists. When MIA took the stage everyone ran towards the stage but security had already cut off the VIP section. So we were stuck backstage unable to see or hear much of anything. And yes I know I sound like a douche complaining about VIP (sorry). Eventually they opened up a portion of the fence and let a few people in.
When I got up to the stage I walked passed the Black Lips who seemed super into MIA. I was excited to see MIA, especially since I thought I wasn't getting in. We were right in front of the speakers and I think the bass may have done permanent damage to my hearing. It was SO damn loud.
Aside from the hearing loss it was a decent set. Not as good as I was hoping but still pretty good. By the time I got in I had missed most of the hits but I heard a couple songs I was familiar with. When it was over I headed back up to the boardwalk. We could have seen Cursive but I don't like them. The NY Dolls were also playing soon but we decided it was time to go. I've seen the Dolls like 4 times in the past year.
The next day we met a bunch of friends at McCarren for the Annuals and Band Of Horses. Annuals weren't nearly as good as the last time I saw them. However, the bass player continues to amuse me. He physically looks like a dude in a hardcore band and plays super aggressive like Tim C from RATM. It's fun to watch because the music does not match what it looks like he's doing.
Anyway, Band Of Horses played next and they were pretty awesome. But they were spooky because they sound EXACTLY like they do on the album. I've never heard any band sound so close live to how they do on the record - it was amazing. I didn't realize how old the dudes in the band were, they looked like they were about 40 or so. Which isn't really old...unless you're an up-and-coming indie band.
After the show we went to the Turkey's Nest and drank big Buds in the styrofoam cups. Which is a great way to end a weekend.
Siren Fest
The next day we woke up with raging hangovers and headed to Coney Island for Siren. We got there a little before Black Lips went on. I managed to get my hands on VIP passes so I was backstage drinking as much as possible before the Lips started. When they took the stage I got myself a spot up front. Ever since the infamous show at Mercury Lounge I don't feel so safe up front at a Lips show.
They played a killer set and everyone was dancing and singing along. Towards the end they brought out their pet chicken. Then they went into a song and used an air canon to blast feathers all over the crowd. After that they were done and I headed to the boardwalk for a sausage hoagie and fries.
I missed whoever played next, I think it was We Are Scientists. When MIA took the stage everyone ran towards the stage but security had already cut off the VIP section. So we were stuck backstage unable to see or hear much of anything. And yes I know I sound like a douche complaining about VIP (sorry). Eventually they opened up a portion of the fence and let a few people in.
When I got up to the stage I walked passed the Black Lips who seemed super into MIA. I was excited to see MIA, especially since I thought I wasn't getting in. We were right in front of the speakers and I think the bass may have done permanent damage to my hearing. It was SO damn loud.
Aside from the hearing loss it was a decent set. Not as good as I was hoping but still pretty good. By the time I got in I had missed most of the hits but I heard a couple songs I was familiar with. When it was over I headed back up to the boardwalk. We could have seen Cursive but I don't like them. The NY Dolls were also playing soon but we decided it was time to go. I've seen the Dolls like 4 times in the past year.
The next day we met a bunch of friends at McCarren for the Annuals and Band Of Horses. Annuals weren't nearly as good as the last time I saw them. However, the bass player continues to amuse me. He physically looks like a dude in a hardcore band and plays super aggressive like Tim C from RATM. It's fun to watch because the music does not match what it looks like he's doing.
Anyway, Band Of Horses played next and they were pretty awesome. But they were spooky because they sound EXACTLY like they do on the album. I've never heard any band sound so close live to how they do on the record - it was amazing. I didn't realize how old the dudes in the band were, they looked like they were about 40 or so. Which isn't really old...unless you're an up-and-coming indie band.
After the show we went to the Turkey's Nest and drank big Buds in the styrofoam cups. Which is a great way to end a weekend.
Siren Fest
Monday, July 23, 2007
Get Smart Trailer w/ Steve Carell
I grew up watching Get Smart on Nick At Night. It's one of the funniest television comedies ever, no question. I didn't hear anything about a remake until I was directed to this trailer. In the few seconds between hearing about it and seeing the trailer I thought "Oh fuck no! They're going to fucking ruin one of the classic shows." And then I played the trailer and saw Steve Carell's face and a felt relief. No one, and I mean NO ONE but Steve Carell can pull this off. I look forward to seeing how this works out.
Get Smart Trailer
HORSE The Band "New York City"
HORSE The Band just released a video for their new track "New York City." As expected it's weird as fuck and pretty funny. There's a part in the middle where it gets all mellow which made me laugh. Anyway, it's awesome if you have a twisted sense of humor like I do. If not then you'll probably give this a big "WTF?"
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Ask Steve Albini A Question
Steve Albini is a poker player and frequents the poker forum 2+2. He recently started a thread where he is answering people's questions about the music biz. It's really fascinating stuff and he's being very candid. Also, he doesn't seem to like Urge Overkill much, but who does?
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Sob (Merauder) Memorial Show!
If you like NYHC then this is going to be a fucking classic. The late Sob Carpio will be honored with a sick fucking hardcore show in Brooklyn on September 1st. Here is the line-up:
This shit is going to be fucking brutal. It's going to be fun with it being in Williamsburg. I feel sorry for the hipster that randomly shows up to Luna Lounge that night.
via Blabbermouth
via Blabbermouth
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
I'm Busy...Be Back Soon
Sorry for the complete lack of posts lately. I've had a ton of shit going on in the past few days. Again, these sorts of things could be avoided if I had a few more people contributing to this piece of shit. I'll be back on Wednesday...I think.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Tonight: Courtney Love, Dub Trio, Giraffes, The Rub & Free Booze
If there was ever a night to party hop it's tonight. The big news is the Courtney Love party/performance at Hiro Ballroom tonight. If you RSVP it's totally free, just make sure you get there early. If you prefer to stay in Brooklyn then MyOpenBar has two parties for you right down the street from each other. The first is a concert/party at Luna Lounge with Dub Trio, The Exit, and The Giraffes. The second is All City Fresh at Supreme Trading which will have 12 DJs (including dudes from The Rub) and two open bars! So basically if you stay home tonight you might as well throw in the towel on having a social life. Seriously, it's over...
All 3 events are free with RSVP
All 3 events are free with RSVP
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Gogol Bordello "Super Taranta" Streaming On MySpace

The #1 Hit On Your Birthday Was...
I might deserve a late pass on this one but I just came across a website where you can check what the #1 song on Billboard was the day you were born. It's pretty fun to check out and a perfect chance to break your friends balls about the crap song that was the soundtrack to their birth. My song was "Another One Bites The Dust.." by Queen. I'm actually surprised I got a song I don't hate.
Birthday #1 Finder
Birthday #1 Finder
***Do like Battering Room and leave your song in the comments...this could be interesting.
Williamsburg Hotel
It looks like a much needed hotel will be popping up in Williamsburg. Sure people are going to get all "fuckin' yuppies" about it, and I agree if we're talking condos, but the hood needs a fucking hotel badly. It's going to be built on Kent and Broadway which is a perfect spot. It's just far away from everything that it's not an eyesore and it's next to the bridge which will make it seem smaller then it really is.
This pretty much cements my theory that Broadway west of the Marcy stop is about to blow up and become a super hot spot. Every time I'm on that strip come fancy new building is going up or a new chic little restaurant can be found. When I lived on S.5th and Wythe a couple years ago there wasn't shit there.
This pretty much cements my theory that Broadway west of the Marcy stop is about to blow up and become a super hot spot. Every time I'm on that strip come fancy new building is going up or a new chic little restaurant can be found. When I lived on S.5th and Wythe a couple years ago there wasn't shit there.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
I Saw Transformers Last Night...
I'm a huge fan of Transformers, the original cartoon movie from 1986 is without question one of my all-time favorite movies ever. So when I heard they were making a live action film I was first. Then I saw the preview and it looked surprisingly awesome.
Last night I went and saw the latest incarnation of Optimus Prime. When I got to the theatre Common was also walking in. What does this have to do with Transformers - nothing, but it's not everyday you see Common at a movie theatre.
So anyway, without giving away too much, the movie was simply the greatest effects/animation movie I have ever seen. I have no idea who did the animation but it was unbelievable. For that reason alone it is worth seeing.
However, as a Transformers loyalist this movie strayed so far from the original story it was almost unrecognizable. Sure they had quite a few of the original characters but aside from Prime they were similar in name only. Many didn't look much like the originals and personality wise they were much different. I was really sad when Starscream spoke and sounded nothing like his old self. I mean some looked similar and some sounded similar but only Prime had both going for him.
The acting was surprisingly good, that LaBeouf kid was fucking great. Turturro added a much needed comedic aspect to the movie but he's always awesome so no surprise there. The rest of the cast was decent enough but no one else really stood out.
Now on to the story...WTF??? Absolutely nothing like the original series. Cube (not energon)? Frozen? Seriously where are they getting this shit? The original story made a hell of a lot more sense. This new back story sucked a whole lot of ass.
When the original cartoon movie came out people gave it shit because they basically killed off the original Autobots in the first few minutes and introduced a shit load of new ones. Sure it was a bummer but it was a continuation of the original story. It had so much more in terms of emotion then the new film. And that's my biggest problem with the new movie. The robots seem like...robots, not living creatures. The personality of the Autobots and Decepticons are barely present at all, which was a huge factor in the popularity of the cartoon. Optimus Prime used to seem like the George Washington of Transformers, now he's just another "good guy."
In the new movie, right before Prime and Megatron battle, Prime says "one shall stand, and one shall fall." Which is one of the famous quotes from the cartoon movie (nice to see Bay tip his hat to the cartoon). In my opinion if you put the two movies against each other the old one stands. Sure the new movie is visually stunning and a pretty good movie overall but it's just not really about the Transformers I grew up watching, and that's a fucking bummer.
Oh and one more thing, there is an abundance of the cheesy cliche lines in the new movie. So bring a barf bag with you.
Last night I went and saw the latest incarnation of Optimus Prime. When I got to the theatre Common was also walking in. What does this have to do with Transformers - nothing, but it's not everyday you see Common at a movie theatre.
So anyway, without giving away too much, the movie was simply the greatest effects/animation movie I have ever seen. I have no idea who did the animation but it was unbelievable. For that reason alone it is worth seeing.
However, as a Transformers loyalist this movie strayed so far from the original story it was almost unrecognizable. Sure they had quite a few of the original characters but aside from Prime they were similar in name only. Many didn't look much like the originals and personality wise they were much different. I was really sad when Starscream spoke and sounded nothing like his old self. I mean some looked similar and some sounded similar but only Prime had both going for him.
The acting was surprisingly good, that LaBeouf kid was fucking great. Turturro added a much needed comedic aspect to the movie but he's always awesome so no surprise there. The rest of the cast was decent enough but no one else really stood out.
Now on to the story...WTF??? Absolutely nothing like the original series. Cube (not energon)? Frozen? Seriously where are they getting this shit? The original story made a hell of a lot more sense. This new back story sucked a whole lot of ass.
When the original cartoon movie came out people gave it shit because they basically killed off the original Autobots in the first few minutes and introduced a shit load of new ones. Sure it was a bummer but it was a continuation of the original story. It had so much more in terms of emotion then the new film. And that's my biggest problem with the new movie. The robots seem like...robots, not living creatures. The personality of the Autobots and Decepticons are barely present at all, which was a huge factor in the popularity of the cartoon. Optimus Prime used to seem like the George Washington of Transformers, now he's just another "good guy."
In the new movie, right before Prime and Megatron battle, Prime says "one shall stand, and one shall fall." Which is one of the famous quotes from the cartoon movie (nice to see Bay tip his hat to the cartoon). In my opinion if you put the two movies against each other the old one stands. Sure the new movie is visually stunning and a pretty good movie overall but it's just not really about the Transformers I grew up watching, and that's a fucking bummer.
Oh and one more thing, there is an abundance of the cheesy cliche lines in the new movie. So bring a barf bag with you.
Music Hall Of Williamsburg - Fall Lineup Announced
Northsix got a make over and is now known as the Music Hall Of Williamsburg. The opening night is Patti Smith, which most of you have already heard. But they just released the other shows they have coming up in Sept. and Oct. which includes The Black Lips, The Walkmen, CYHSY, Jose Gonzalez, Joseph Arthur, and more. Check out the site for the full lineup:
Monday, July 09, 2007
Sunday In The Burg (McCarren Pool + Roof BBQ)
Yesterday was another Pool party at McCarren Park. It was hot as fuck out and the pool was kinda empty compared to previous weeks. But that was a good thing because it also meant that the line for booze was shorter then usual and when it's hot out beer is mandatory. I got to the pool about 45 minutes late because the fucking B43 was running two buses behind schedule (fuck you MTA!).
When I finally got their Dan Deacon was halfway through his last song. I kinda wanted to see what all the hype was about but I missed it...oh well. The rest of the day consisted of me drinking excessively - like most days I guess. I paid little to no attention to the rest of the bands for the remainder of the show. If you're a single dude then you missed one hell of a show from the ladies of Brooklyn. There were hot girls in tiny bikinis just about everywhere you looked.
After the pool let out we headed to some random party on Wythe and N. 9th. It was a roof BBQ and there was a band playing up there. No idea who they were but I did take a picture. There was also a free keg of beer up there which was nice too. Everyone got hungry but most of the food was gone when we got there so we went to Mug's for some grub. I kept drinking and I think I stole some food from the poor people who went with us. Overall, another solid Sunday in Brooklyn. Yo Saturday, you gotta step it up - you've been weak all summer!
When I finally got their Dan Deacon was halfway through his last song. I kinda wanted to see what all the hype was about but I missed it...oh well. The rest of the day consisted of me drinking excessively - like most days I guess. I paid little to no attention to the rest of the bands for the remainder of the show. If you're a single dude then you missed one hell of a show from the ladies of Brooklyn. There were hot girls in tiny bikinis just about everywhere you looked.
After the pool let out we headed to some random party on Wythe and N. 9th. It was a roof BBQ and there was a band playing up there. No idea who they were but I did take a picture. There was also a free keg of beer up there which was nice too. Everyone got hungry but most of the food was gone when we got there so we went to Mug's for some grub. I kept drinking and I think I stole some food from the poor people who went with us. Overall, another solid Sunday in Brooklyn. Yo Saturday, you gotta step it up - you've been weak all summer!

Sunday, July 08, 2007
Gogol Bordello & Madonna @ Live Earth (Video)
Madonna invited Gogol Bordello to join her on stage for Live Earth. Unfortunately it wasn't for her whole set, just a gypsy version of "La Isla Bonita." Of course it was awesome because anything involving Eugene is top notch. Now I'm worried though because getting a Gogol ticket has always been hard but now it's going to be damn near impossible. Plus the crowd might turn into uptown yuppies trying to be "in" on the next "hip" thing. Either way this was a pretty awesome performance, next time how about a whole set.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Today: BARC + Boredoms
Two reasons to be outside in Brooklyn today. The Boredoms are performing their much talked about 77Boadrum, which will be a once in a lifetime performance. But I'll probably avoid the 12,000 or so people (that's how many RSVPd) and just go to the BARC block party.

Friday, July 06, 2007
Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
I just had my iPod on random and "Sabbath Bloody Sabbath" came on. Everytime I hear this song it freaks me out how fucking awesome it is. I feel like it doesn't quite get the credit it deserves, I mean this song blows "Iron Man" away. Say otherwise and I will challenge you to a duel!
So I've been living near the Montrose L stop for a week now. I still don't know what to call it, some say East Williamsburg others say Bushwick. I'm a curious fellow so I did some research and I still don't have a straight answer. It seems that according to the city it is in fact East Williamsburg but even then it's not cut and dry. The fact is ALL of Williamsburg was at one time called Bushwick, so trying to figure out where the borderline is ain't an easy thing. It seems that the answer my be Flushing Avenue, which according to several sources I found is the actual border.
So I think I live in East Williamsburg but it may in fact be Bushwick (it certainly was at one time). Occasional BSC review guy, Tom, suggested the area be referred to as Williamsbush. I think it has a nice ring to it so I'm going to use that from now on.
Also, if you live in the same area please let me know some good brunch spots. I have yet to find one out here and I'm hungry. Any other recommendations are appreciated.
So I think I live in East Williamsburg but it may in fact be Bushwick (it certainly was at one time). Occasional BSC review guy, Tom, suggested the area be referred to as Williamsbush. I think it has a nice ring to it so I'm going to use that from now on.
Also, if you live in the same area please let me know some good brunch spots. I have yet to find one out here and I'm hungry. Any other recommendations are appreciated.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007
iPhone Hack! You Don't Need AT&T
I was playing around with a friends iPhone the other day and it was simply awesome. It made me sad that I couldn't buy it to use with my current service. You might say "just get AT&T" - but AT&T has shit ass service and everyone knows it. But guess what kids? The iPhone got hacked!
Now I'm not a hacker but I've always been into hacking my cell phones. I'm not sure why exactly but in this case it's pretty obvious. Now you can use your iPhone with the vastly superior service of T-Mobile. But again this is a HACK so if you fuck up your shit then you have no one to cry to.
The thing is I know the next version of the iPhone is going to blow away V1 but at that point this hack won't work. So the question is do I get one now or wait for a new version and hope someone hacks that bad boy too?
Now I'm not a hacker but I've always been into hacking my cell phones. I'm not sure why exactly but in this case it's pretty obvious. Now you can use your iPhone with the vastly superior service of T-Mobile. But again this is a HACK so if you fuck up your shit then you have no one to cry to.
The thing is I know the next version of the iPhone is going to blow away V1 but at that point this hack won't work. So the question is do I get one now or wait for a new version and hope someone hacks that bad boy too?
Fourth Of July
It's the 4th and I still have no fucking plans right now. Everyone is going to the New Pornographers show but that just doesn't turn me on. Instead I might head over to that Todd P BBQ with Japanster (and many others). I'm not a huge fan of the these bands but at least it's in Brooklyn... and there's free booze.
Monday, July 02, 2007
I Moved (Update Your Address Book)
So I've spent the last few days moving into my awesome new apartment. It's been a bitch moving everything but it's almost over and I'm looking forward to living here. So that's why there haven't been any posts at all lately...sorry. But once I'm settled in I'll start posting again, I'd say about two more days.
On that note if you're a marketing/PR/label/band that sends me CDs and what not please drop me a line so I can give you the new mailing address.
On that note if you're a marketing/PR/label/band that sends me CDs and what not please drop me a line so I can give you the new mailing address.
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