I'll be honest with you here - I'm working this album as part of the old day job. Normally that would mean I wouldn't post it because of the whole conflict of interest thing. But fuck that shit man, it's the mother fucking STOOGES!
Not only did Iggy round up the boys he also went out and got Mike Watt to play bass. I have to say that this first track is incredibly awesome. It has the aggression of the old Stooges except with a much tighter song structure.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, old punks are better then young punks. The classic rock bands were great musicians when they started and their skills have deteriorated over the years because they had nowhere to go but down. On the other hand punk musicians all kinda sucked when they started and have just gotten much better over years of playing. That's why bands like Mission Of Burma, Buzzcocks, New York Dolls, and the Stooges have only gotten better with time. Fuck yes, punk rock.
Buzzed Bands Podcast, Ep. 2 w/ Cold Blood Club
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Former Buzzcock Talks AARP
Most of you have heard and cringed at the use of "Everybody's Happy Nowadays" by the Buzzcocks on a recent AARP tv ad. Well the Chicago Tribune talked to former Buzzcocks bassist Steve Garvey about againg and the commercial. Finally an older person that admits it sucks getting old.
Hardcore Kids On Donahue
Not sure how I stumbled upon this post but the video clip is awesome and features RAy (Youth Of Today), Harley (Cro-Mags) and more.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Led Zepplin Reuniting
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Idiotarod 2007
Last year I heard about this thing the day after it happened and I was bummed I didn't check it out. So this year when I heard the starting point was only a few minutes away from my apartment I made sure I attended. The original start point was supposed to McCarren but the cops caught wind of that pretty early so they moved the location to the very end of Franklin Street.
After finding this out I walked down that way and saw random groups of idiots with shopping carts as I walked. When I got closer to the park at the end of Franklin I came to a cluster of crews and realized they still weren't sure where the starting line was. At this point I wasn't 100% sure either so I hung around until they made a move towards the park.
When I got there the cops were already waiting. They weren't stopping any of the teams from gathering but they were making there presence felt. When I entered the park I heard music and realized that an old fashioned jug band was playing for the ever growing crowd. It was really turning into quite a scene but the cops remained cool.
The park quickly filled to capacity and teams and spectators poured out into the street. At this point there several hundred people so the cops made their move and cleared the streets - which was no easy task. Everyone complied but there was certainly some tension - plus the police helicopter circling didn't help and seemed a bit unnecessary.
After a couple of hours of hanging out at the park and registering teams the opening whistle blew (firecrackers actually) and everyone took of in various different directions. Most of the teams ended up further down Franklin at the bar on the corner. The intersection there completely filled with teams and the battle began. Flour, water balloons, ketchup, and other assorted weaponry were used. The cops stepped in and cleared the intersection, which was completely covered in flour and mystery fluids.
After that I decided it was time to head back home. The teams were gearing and getting ready for the trek to Queens, so the fun in Greenpoint was over. I heard that the race ended without any major criminal incidents - maybe next year.

Team Back To The Future

Team Disaster Vagina

The Cobra Train

Team It's Fucking Freezing Out

More Photos On BSC Flickr
The Start
The Jug Band
Idiotarod Ref gets a quick lap dance
The Crowd was BIG
After finding this out I walked down that way and saw random groups of idiots with shopping carts as I walked. When I got closer to the park at the end of Franklin I came to a cluster of crews and realized they still weren't sure where the starting line was. At this point I wasn't 100% sure either so I hung around until they made a move towards the park.
When I got there the cops were already waiting. They weren't stopping any of the teams from gathering but they were making there presence felt. When I entered the park I heard music and realized that an old fashioned jug band was playing for the ever growing crowd. It was really turning into quite a scene but the cops remained cool.
The park quickly filled to capacity and teams and spectators poured out into the street. At this point there several hundred people so the cops made their move and cleared the streets - which was no easy task. Everyone complied but there was certainly some tension - plus the police helicopter circling didn't help and seemed a bit unnecessary.
After a couple of hours of hanging out at the park and registering teams the opening whistle blew (firecrackers actually) and everyone took of in various different directions. Most of the teams ended up further down Franklin at the bar on the corner. The intersection there completely filled with teams and the battle began. Flour, water balloons, ketchup, and other assorted weaponry were used. The cops stepped in and cleared the intersection, which was completely covered in flour and mystery fluids.
After that I decided it was time to head back home. The teams were gearing and getting ready for the trek to Queens, so the fun in Greenpoint was over. I heard that the race ended without any major criminal incidents - maybe next year.

Team Back To The Future

Team Disaster Vagina

The Cobra Train

Team It's Fucking Freezing Out

More Photos On BSC Flickr
The Start
The Jug Band
Idiotarod Ref gets a quick lap dance
The Crowd was BIG
Friday, January 26, 2007
Joel Madden VS. Shifty Shellshock
HAHAHA!!!! One of the Madden brothers got his ass handed to him by the singer for fucking Crazy Town. Oh man, there goes any street cred Joel Madden thought he had. If I got my ass whipped by the dude from Crazy Town I would fucking kill myself.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
For Sale: Integrity Selling Human Skull

Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Tonight: High Voltage w/ Andrew W.K.
I don't like the guys music but I would guess he makes for a good party...since every song is about partying and all.
All-Time Greatest Rock Guitar Solos (Video)
CityRag took Guitar Worlds list of best guitar solos and found videos for each one - well the top 20 at least. I'm not sure I agree with this list but nonetheless it's pretty awesome. I'm not a huge fan of solos but there are some great one's on there. If I had to choose I'd have to go with "Freebird".
Mexican Slingshot Cops!
Beware citizens of Tijuana, for an unholy weapon of mass destruction has been unleashed on your unsuspecting populace...the SLINGSHOT. Yes, it's true - Tijuana cops are packing lead...or is it steel? What the hell are ball bearings made from? Anyway, all of you crazy American tourists better think twice before messing with Juanny Law next time you head south for a donkey show.
Maybe Dennis The Menace should join the force.
Maybe Dennis The Menace should join the force.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Annuals "Carry On" Live on Conan
I was just sent the YouTube link of the Annuals on Conan. Not my favorite song by them but it's pretty good. The singer dude got all cleaned up for TV. Usually he looks like a ratty skater kid in a hoodie and unusual head dress. Look at him now though, Johnny fuckin Hipster.
The Evens (Ian MacKaye) - Kids Stuff
Check out this clip of the Evens (Ian MacKaye of Minor Threat, Fugazi) playing a song about vowels. Apparently this is old but I just saw it for the first time today.
The Evens - Vowel Movement
via Williamsboard
Monday, January 22, 2007
It's Official - Rage Playing Coachella

Immediately after writing a post about Zach I got word that Rage is confirmed for Coachella. You hear that kids? CONFIRMED. How fucking awesome is that? I might have to trek out to the Cali for this shit. It's also still rumored that the Police will play but the Rage reunion is obviously the big news folks.
The question is will this last or is it just a one-time thing?
Zack De La Rocha
So I've been thinking about this rumored Rage Against The Machine reunion at Coachella and I started trying to see if I could find out what the fuck Zach has been up to. Well, I couldn't find out shit. I couldn't find out about his solo record or anything else he's been up to.
Kinda reminds me of another frontman that vanished for a few years after promising an album...Axl Rose. Maybe RATM will be playing Coachella but I wouldn't be surprised if Buckethead and some random NIN dude is in the band now.
Anyway I dug up a couple of cool non-Rage videos with Zach, including Inside Out performing the song "Rage Against The Machine".
Kinda reminds me of another frontman that vanished for a few years after promising an album...Axl Rose. Maybe RATM will be playing Coachella but I wouldn't be surprised if Buckethead and some random NIN dude is in the band now.
Anyway I dug up a couple of cool non-Rage videos with Zach, including Inside Out performing the song "Rage Against The Machine".
Zach, KRS-One, & The Last Emporer - "CIA"
Inside Out - "Rage Against The Machine" (Live)
Zach interviews Noam Chomsky, part 1
Zach interviews Noam Chomsky, part 2
Inside Out - "Rage Against The Machine" (Live)
Zach interviews Noam Chomsky, part 1
Zach interviews Noam Chomsky, part 2
CBGB For Sale...One Piece At A Time
The quest to squeeze every last cent out of CBGBs continues on Ebay where you can buy a "piece" of the club...literally. A chunk of the graffitied, stickered wall has been framed and is up for auction online. It's a wee 12" by 13.5" signed by Hilly himself. The starting price to kick off bidding was $99.99 and has since risen to $493!!!
Some yuppie bastard is going to have a nice conversation piece hanging up in his den.
Some yuppie bastard is going to have a nice conversation piece hanging up in his den.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
The T Turns 40 Recap
On Thursday I headed over to Sol for the party everyone was talking about - Michael T's 40th birthday bash. As you probably know Michael T. is a legend in the downtown scene. He's involved in many of the hot parties including his own, Rated-X and Motherfucker. Tonight all the cool kids showed up to pay tribute to Mother.
When we got there Michael T. was on stage performing with the band. The crowd was small but well known. All the familiar faces were there Bronques, DJ Jess, Brendan James, Justine D., Theo, Naked Girl, and many more. While I didn't know the names of everyone there I recognized all of the faces.
After a few songs Theo, from Theo & The Skyscrapers, took the mic and did a song or two with the band. DJ Jess followed suit and also did a couple of songs. The band was very good and the singers of the night all did an excellent job. The party was fun but the $7 beers kept me semi-sober, which isn't my style. Here are some pics from the night...
Michael T.When we got there Michael T. was on stage performing with the band. The crowd was small but well known. All the familiar faces were there Bronques, DJ Jess, Brendan James, Justine D., Theo, Naked Girl, and many more. While I didn't know the names of everyone there I recognized all of the faces.
After a few songs Theo, from Theo & The Skyscrapers, took the mic and did a song or two with the band. DJ Jess followed suit and also did a couple of songs. The band was very good and the singers of the night all did an excellent job. The party was fun but the $7 beers kept me semi-sober, which isn't my style. Here are some pics from the night...

Jess on the mic

Bronques doing his thing

Gay Hank Cool (the guying in the Ski pic up top) & his girlfriend Carie

LNP (Cooler Than Thou, Part 1)
LNP (Cooler Than Thou, Part 2)
Rage Against The Machine Playing Coachella?

Rumors are flying that the angriest band from the 90's may resurface at this years Coachella Festival. While I would love to see Rage again I have a feeling this might remain nothing more then a rumor. Frontman Zach De La Rocha has been MIA for the better part of the last 6 years and Audioslave is busy wowing middle America.
For the record when Rage did break up I was happy to see it. All that "Renegades of Funk" shit was horrible and I wasn't excited about this band aging. So if they just come back and play some shows then I'm all for it but if they're planning on recording then forget about it. Althought it can't be any worse then Audioslave - thanks for setting the bar low guys.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Lily Allen: Discover & Download Tour (Presale)
Hey if you're a fan of Lily Allen then have I got a scoop for you straight from the day job. She's going to be on the MTV Discover & Download tour but here's the kicker - I got the ticket code. It's "LILYMTV," click on the city to go to the presale.
February 5 –
February 6 –
February 8 –
February 10 –
February 12 –
February 16 – Washington, DC – 9:30 Club
February 18 –
Super Deluxe: Online Comic Channel
On Wednesday I was invited over to the Cornerstone offices for Super Deluxe w/ Eugene Mirman. I had no idea what the event was going to be but I went anyway since Cornerstone always has tons of free shit (which is nice). So we got there around 7:15 or so and grabbed some Red Stripe and Dallas BBQ and waited to see what the fuck this shit was about.
Then the screen came down and we were told that we were about to see a screening from Super Deluxe - the new online comedy channel which features some killer comedians. They played used five comedy shorts two of which were incredibly funny, one was by Eugene Mirman and the other by the "Washington" dude. Anyway, those tow alone are funny enough to warrant checking out the website.
Then the screen came down and we were told that we were about to see a screening from Super Deluxe - the new online comedy channel which features some killer comedians. They played used five comedy shorts two of which were incredibly funny, one was by Eugene Mirman and the other by the "Washington" dude. Anyway, those tow alone are funny enough to warrant checking out the website.
MC Lars - "Hipster Girl"
This is the latest from nerdcore rapper MC Lars. It's not a great song but it's funny as hell. The WHOLE song is about Williamsburg. Lars mentions McCarren Pool Parties, the L train, Bedford, Grand and other spots along the way. Definitely worth a listen, "So we went to the Bedford bar and bought a six dollar PBR" or "We play dodge ball, kid sports are cool" - haha.
Hipsters are going to LOVE this song!
Hipsters are going to LOVE this song!
Thursday, January 18, 2007
The Rififi Rumble - Help Out
Last weekend I put up a short little post about the cops raiding Rififi on Friday and arresting two bystanders. Since then I have been contacted by the girl who got locked up. She is filing a complaint (rightfully so) and needs your help. Here is the letter she sent me, please email me if you have any info for her. Here's her story of what went down...
Condoms, WTF? Sounds like the boys in blue are hard at work huh?
I read your post and I am the girl who was arrested and "thrashed" by the cops on Friday night. My boyfriend and I were leaving Rififi, already out on the sidewalk, trying to get a cab to another place to avoid the cops. We are both kind of built like 12-year olds but two big cops started to provoke us for some reason. Some others standing by weren't even in uniform and they asked where we thought we were going so I think my boyfriend told them to leave us alone or get out of our way - we are trying to walk down the street and get a cab. Then they just cuffed him, 2 seconds later, they cuffed me. THEN, I called them many names and let my mouth start running. So I really didn't do anything until after I was cuffed. They had me bent over the trunk of the police car and I started screaming and shouting about what happened so someone would get a picture. They pushed me down hard on the trunk and threatened to mace me. Then they drove us to their precinct where we were held for 7 hours there and both denied phone calls. Then we were transported to central booking in Chinatown, where we still were not allowed to make a single call for another 20+ hours. They had no actual charges so when we finally made it through the system, the judge dismissed everything right away. We didn't get out until early Sunday morning. That is a LONG TIME to be locked up for no reason with no phone call allowed.
Apparently, they had some kind of "zero tolerance night" and the cops were all getting overtime so they needed arrests in that precinct. We met another guy who left his apt in the same neighborhood to get ice cream and was arrested because he didn't have an ID. I know you probably don't care about my details but here is a warning - they can really f*ck you up at a police precinct. Once you are at central booking in Chinatown, the only think you have to worry about are the other cell mates. The problem is the precinct - the cops have total control in there and try to mess with you. Also, there were condoms (new, wrapped, not used) all over that place (outside of the cells, near the desks, near the finger-printing machines, etc.). When I asked why, they messed with me more and said they like to practice safe sex (ha-ha). They can do anything they want at the precinct.
Anyway, we just wanted to go out to unwind and dance to the songs of our youth but look what happened instead! We have lived here for over 10 years and have been going out like this even longer than that, but have never encountered this kind of trouble. Why weren't they focused on West 27th or meatpacking? The funny thing is that we were supposed to go to Calling All Kids across town but decided to start at Rififi. Bad luck. If you know anyone who has a cell phone picture let me know, I might need it or a few witness statements for the Civilian Complaint Review Board. We didn't meet anyone else that night from Rififi at the precinct or in central booking so I think we were the only ones arrested.
Condoms, WTF? Sounds like the boys in blue are hard at work huh?
Tonight: The T Turns 40 @ Sol
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Bowie Ball Recap
On Sunday night me and the missis headed over to Don Hill's for the Bowie Ball. It was a special Bowie Ball in honor of David Bowie's 60th birthday. We got there kinda late and the place was packed when we walked in. Of course we grabbed some drinks, said hello to Michael T., and found a comfortable nook to hang out.
After a short while (around 2AM) the place seemed to clear out for some reason. The back doors alarm was going off with a bright pulsing light and an ear piercing screeching noise but it was hardly enough to cause an exodus. Then I realized that perhaps people didn't leave, they just pushed up front and crammed the stage. You see the first of a few bands were about to go on.
I was unaware that there would be live bands so I was excited. Not surprisingly the bands did their best Bowie covers. One band, whose members wore black masks (or maybe makeup), were exceptionally good. Another band was even joined by one of Bowie's former drummer. All the bands were impressive and had everyone dancing and singing along. At one point Michael T. (who was DJing) was coerced by the MC to join the band on stage for a song.
I wasn't sure what to expect at a party like this, sometimes they can be too over the top. But Sunday night was lots of fun. All the people who backed out at the last minute really missed a great party.
After a short while (around 2AM) the place seemed to clear out for some reason. The back doors alarm was going off with a bright pulsing light and an ear piercing screeching noise but it was hardly enough to cause an exodus. Then I realized that perhaps people didn't leave, they just pushed up front and crammed the stage. You see the first of a few bands were about to go on.
I was unaware that there would be live bands so I was excited. Not surprisingly the bands did their best Bowie covers. One band, whose members wore black masks (or maybe makeup), were exceptionally good. Another band was even joined by one of Bowie's former drummer. All the bands were impressive and had everyone dancing and singing along. At one point Michael T. (who was DJing) was coerced by the MC to join the band on stage for a song.
I wasn't sure what to expect at a party like this, sometimes they can be too over the top. But Sunday night was lots of fun. All the people who backed out at the last minute really missed a great party.
Crash This Party
The fucking condo yuppies are coming to Williamsburg and they're having a party. Look at this fucking glass eye sore...what the fuck? Do we really want these people around? We can't do anything to stop them but we sure as hell can fuck with them. It's too late to go to the reception but the after party is fair game, which will take place at a "local club" If anyone knows what club this might be please share. I'm guessing Galapagos, just because it's close.

Local News: Union Pool Back Yard Open
Since this site has the word Brooklyn in the title it makes sense to cover local BK news every once in a while. For instance Union Pool just announced that the back yard will be open once again for drinking. For some reason they weren't allowed to have drinking out back. Anyway, it's all good now and the fire pit will once again be surrounded by filthy drunks - just like the pit/woods parties you went to in high school!
Tonight: Sparta on Conan
Tonight tune in to Conan (like you weren't anyway) and check out a live performance by Sparta. Whether or not you dig there albums I can tell you first hand that they're very quite good live.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Tonight: Bowie Ball (Bowie's 60th Bday)
There's no work tomorrow kids so after the Pats game get glammed up and head over to the Bowie Ball. By the way it's David Bowie's 60th birthday party.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Rififi Busted
Last night I was on my way to Rififi when I made a phone call and found out it got shut down by the 5-0. If you remember this shit used to happen on a regular basis but it's been quiet for the better part of the last year. What is it about this time of year that all these places start getting busted? Are the piggies really that fucking bored that they have to raid places like Rififi? I know that there are shadier places then Rififi they could be fucking with.
Anyway, from what I heard they had a bunch of undercover cops inside the place. Then two big cop vans pulled up in front of the building and went in to throw people out. Then the mounted police showed up for crowd control. Apparently some dude called the cops "pigs" and then they proceeded to beat the shit out of him and his girlfriend. Seriously, is all of this necessary? Fucking mounted police - that's insane. Beating up Rififi kids, how fucking hard would that be? Most of the dudes in there are build like 12-year old girls. You would think the cops would at least want a challenge. If shutting down little dance parties like Trash is a priority then this city is fucked.
Anyway, from what I heard they had a bunch of undercover cops inside the place. Then two big cop vans pulled up in front of the building and went in to throw people out. Then the mounted police showed up for crowd control. Apparently some dude called the cops "pigs" and then they proceeded to beat the shit out of him and his girlfriend. Seriously, is all of this necessary? Fucking mounted police - that's insane. Beating up Rififi kids, how fucking hard would that be? Most of the dudes in there are build like 12-year old girls. You would think the cops would at least want a challenge. If shutting down little dance parties like Trash is a priority then this city is fucked.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Robert Johnson Photo On Ebay?
There is a photo on Ebay which the seller claims to "believe to be Robert Johnson." The price of the starting bid is $795,000, which is kinda steep if you aren't even sure it's him. You're probably saying "why the fuck would anyone pay that much even if it was him?" - well because their are only two known photos of Johnson and he is perhaps the most influential bluesman to ever live.
I've actually studied Delta blues and Robert Johnson and my opinion is that dude ain't him. They have a similar look but I'm pretty sure that's not Robert Johnson.
I've actually studied Delta blues and Robert Johnson and my opinion is that dude ain't him. They have a similar look but I'm pretty sure that's not Robert Johnson.
Iron Maiden Documentary (1981)
You can not watch this and tell me that Christopher Guest didn't have this on repeat while he was writing Spinal Tap. At about 7 minutes in a guy wearing a t-shirt with the words "Heavy Metal" on it says "I despise the term heavy metal" - it's hilarious. The whole damn thing is just hilarious. It also explains the "headbangers" who used to make life size cardboard cutouts of Flying V's to hold on to while they headbanged. It's fucking priceless...
Thursday, January 11, 2007
AFI - "Ziggy Stardust"
This video is about a month old so you may have seen it already. It's AFI covering "Ziggy Stardust" by David Bowie - who turns 60 this week (there are a few parties to celebrate I'll let you know about). I know everyone hates AFI but this is half decent. I actually dig AFI and I'm not afraid to admit it. I love the old "East Bay Hardcore" shit and I even like the new sellout MTV stuff. Anyway, check out the clip and let me know what you think.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Cold War Kids Take NYC
Tonight Cold War Kids play Pianos, next Wednesday they play Union Hall, the next day Maust has an art show on Broadway, then on the 24th they play the Mercury Lounge, and finally Nathan will be performing an acoustic set the next day at Knitting Factory. Damn these boys are pretty fucking busy, especially considering I left out the 4 west coast shows also during this span.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Washington - A Brain For A Heart
I'm a bit of a history buff and I can tell you that no more accurate a description of George Washington has ever been recorded. Thanks to Cornerstone for sending this over.
George Washington
Nerdcore Rising
There is a movement among the youth of today...ok, ok - more like the twenty somethings. Either way Nerdcore is getting more and more popular these days. Just look at MC Lars for example, the guys been popping up all over the place.
Someone decided to make a documentary about the Stars Wars sect of hip-hop and this is the teaser.
Someone decided to make a documentary about the Stars Wars sect of hip-hop and this is the teaser.
Pete Wentz Is A Tough Guy
On January 7th in New Mexico Pete Wentz of Fall Out Boy (and penis self portrait) fame got in a bit of a brawl with security at a show. After one of the security dudes grabbed his pal Pete dropped the mic and dove on top of them. You could see him throw one punch but that's about it. Then all the security guys jump in and you can see somebody in a choke hold. Anyway, after the whole thing little Petey gets on stage and says "That's what you get when you fuck with my friends - fucking asshole". Umm...dude, you didn't do anything.
Oh did I mention there's a video and first hand description? Well there is...
Oh did I mention there's a video and first hand description? Well there is...
Friday, January 05, 2007
Trash Tonight **Special Guest DJ**

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