So after a few weeks without an internet connection I'm back in action. Sorry it took so long but it's Time Warner after all. Anyway, so much shit has happened in the past few weeks. Let's see now a president, a dictator, and a godfather are all dead.
Gerald Ford was not a good president and he let Nixon off the hook which basically gave future presidents the thumbs up to be corrupt scum (right Georgie boy?). But hey, the guys dead and that sucks - we still have Betty though and she's pretty badass.
The dictator was none other then Saddam. Now the guy was scum and did lots of horrible shit but did he deserve the death penalty? I mean Amin killed way more people then Saddam and all he got was exiled. The fact is the only dude that ever brought stability (and secular government) to that region is now dead.
Iraq may not have been paradise with Saddam but it's way more fucked now. Oh and now it's a breeding ground for terrorists which is the complete opposite of what it was when Saddam was running things. Don't get me wrong here - I'm not sticking up for the guy. But by dictator standards he wasn't so bad, there are a lot worse out there in the world right now.
Sorry for the political shit but I predicted all of this Iraq shit in 2002 (I even gave a speech about it) and everyone thought I was crazy. Well who's crazy now, mom? Huh? Who's crazy now?
Anyway, fuck all that shit. The godfather died and that is way more depressing then all this other crap. James motherfucking Brown is dead! I don't even need to say anymore then that. Perhaps the most innovative song writer of modern music. He did shit no one ever even thought of before and people still can't replicate it. He said fuck melody, fuck your time signatures - James didn't need that shit. He had rhythm that you just couldn't write down on paper and he helped us find out we did too.
In other news the Republicans used their final days in power to further invade our privacy. Now they can search your mail without a warrant. Seriously, that's a major crime and now they can do it on a whim. It's getting to the point where shit's going to go down and it's going to get ugly. I don't think the kids these days are quite as peaceful as the hippies were. Those fuckers didn't grow up playing 1st person shooters and Mortal Combat. Hopefully the Democrats will step up and make some changes before a leader rises up amongst the people and the shit hits the fan.
Damn it! Again with the fucking politics. I apologize about that but I can't help it. Anyway, there was one more thing I wanted to bring up. Oh yeah, apparently it's a new year.
So that's my rant for the year, I'll try to keep those to a minimum and focus on pop culture. Here's James:
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