Buzzed Bands Podcast, Ep. 2 w/ Cold Blood Club

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Mountain Goats Played @ Soundfix Last Night

Originally uploaded by gimmeagiraffe.
Last night John Darnielle, of the Mountain Goats, played a free show at Soundfix in Williamsburg. This was the first show at Soundfix since they renovated the joint. I got to the show around 9:30 and when I turned the corner there was a huge crowd outside. The windows were down and you could hear pretty well from the street, where most of the crowd was.

I didn't actually make it inside and I'm kind of happy about that. From what I hear the place was a fucking sauna. Outside it was nice and cool and the sound coming out of the back window was pretty good. At some point a damn ice cream truck parked at the corner and had the ice cream music blasting. This was funny because five minutes before I was joking about that happening. Eventually somebody told the guy to turn the fucking music off.

The cops did a few drive-bys but never hassled anyone, which was a surprise considering the crowd was literally standing in the street. The show was awesome despite several screw-ups during songs. At one point John stopped mid song and yelled "Fuck, I fucking fucked up the 3rd verse... Badly!" And then went right back into the song. Honestly shit like that actually adds to the charm of a small show like this.

Like I said I didn't make it inside but I found some shots on Flickr that should suffice.

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