Once the lady on the phone told me who was playing I checked out there MySpace profiles. First I listened to the Strays and I thought they were pretty good. Then I checked out the Adored and I wasn't impressed. So I thought instead of hitting Anytime for some grub I would go early catch the Strays and eat some of the Warsaws famous pierogies.
We arrived at the Warsaw around 8:20PM and there was no one there. I was kinda pissed because the stage wasn't even set up so it was obviously going to be a while before the show started. So I did what anyone in my position would do - I grabbed some beer. I also ordered a plate of the Warsaw Special, which for $5 comes with pierogies, kielbasa, sauer kraut, and bread. Despite many ventures to the Warsaw this was the first time I actually had the food they're so famous for. I have to say it was very good. You can't find homestyle food like that - especially at venues.
After I ate and sucked down a few Zwiecs (Polish beer) I headed into the main room for the Strays. They were very English and, based on the way they look, really into the Sex Pistols. They weren't a bad band but they weren't all that good either. During two separate songs I noticed Nirvana riffs, not Nirvana-esque riffs but actual Nirvana riffs. If you're going to rip off a band at least choose a band that isn't instantly recognizable.
Once the Strays finished up we left the Warsaw. I had no interest whatsoever in catching the Adored. The Warsaw is kind enough of a venue to allow for re-entry so we took advantage of 2-4-1 special at the bar on the corner. It's nice to be able to go do something else while the shitty bands play.
We returned to the Warsaw after about 45-minutes. Our timing was near perfect as the Buzzcocks were just about to take the stage. I was very excited to see the band live. In all honesty I'm not a huge fan - in that I don't have a ton of Buzzcock albums. However when I hear them I always perk up. They are a great band and are responsible for one of my all-time favorite songs, "Ever Fallen In Love?".
The came out and I have to say they looked pretty haggard. I mean I guess they should at their age but I still have a hard time with the whole old guy punk thing. Which I shouldn't since all of the old bands (NY Dolls, Mission of Burma) I've seen have consistently been phenomenal. The Buzzcocks were no different in that sense. From the first song up until the last they absolutely destroyed the place.
The crowd started of just kinda bopping around but about halfway through the set there was a full on mosh pit (a weak one but a pit nonetheless). The 50-year-olds were mixing it up just fine with the teenagers.
The set was perfect and no one there was disappointed. For the encore the band played the classic "Ever Fallen In Love?" - which was what I was waiting for. It was absolutely amazing and played to perfection. I'm beginning to think punk is like the blues. Maybe it's not a young man's game after all. Time and time again the elder statesmen of punk blow the kids out of the water. So tell your dad to pick up a guitar and string some power chords together.

Ever Fallen Love? (live @ Warsaw)
I think it's quite pathetic that you "have a problem with 50 year old punks". Sunshine, may I point out to you that way before you were born (ie. in the 1970's) when punk started - those of us that are now "old" were actually doing the real punk thing. You may listen to bands like the Buzzcocks now and think they are fairly normal but please remember that when these guys first started playing the radio of the day (ie. no internet, myspace etc) was playing disco and soft rock. Bands like the Buzzcocks along with things like The Saints and Radio Birdman out of Australia and other bands like Ramones, The Clash, The Specials etc. were pioneers. They were rebels - going against what was popular and inventing a new sound that had never been heard EVER. So before you make foolish comments about someones age please put some thought into your comments. What you wrote sounds immature and pathetic. And you just sound immature by stating that you didn't hang round for the "shitty" bands and went off for the cheap drinks. Grow up. And don't go by what someone else says. Stay around and listen to something new for yourself and make your own decision.
Hey "sunshine" did you actually read the post? If so can I ask you a question? What the fuick are you yapping about? First of all in regards to your comment about the "shitty" opening bands - Did you not read the part where I said I listened to the bands earlier that day? Because I did, and I wasn't into them. So I decided I didn't care to see them live. Also, what does "don't go by what someone else says" mean? Who said anything? I listened to the bands and concluded one was decent and the other quite shitty. There was not a single other person involved in this. Again I ask, did you actually read the whole post?
Also, in regards to your rant about 50-year old punks - What the fuck are you talking about? Seriously. I didn't say a single bad thing about old punks. In fact I said that the old punk bands consistently blow away the young bands. The only comment in my entire post where you might have gotten the idea I was speaking ill of old punks was this line "I still have a hard time with the whole old guy punk rock thing" Which was meant simply to say that punk is/was a youth movement. Unlike other genres (like blues) the image of punk is a teenager. When people think punk they think teenagers with spiky hair and leather jackets. Sorry, but that's a fact and all I was saying is that when the universal image of something is youth and then you see guys in their 50's representing that same thing, well it's seems a bit out of place at first. That's all. I have nothing but respect for the old punks, in fact I pretty much only listen to punk from the 70's, which means I clearly am OK with old punks because following the rules of nature all those dudes are at least 45+ now.
So take the time to read the WHOLE post before your right a retarted comment that is based on half a sentence taken out of context. Oh and thanks for the history lesson, I learned absolutely nothing new from it. Clearly in your case older does not equal wiser.
I'm completely baffled by your comment. It's almost as if you read another post on another blog and decided to leave the comment on mine.
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