You would think that going to CBGB's at 9:30 would pretty much and the night as far as this show goes. The Dolls were amazingly prompt and actually started on time - which meant they were finished by 10:30. I called Olga, who was still at the Warsaw to see if I could make it for the Editors set. She didn't answer so I jumped in a cab and headed back to Brooklyn. I figured if I didn't hear from her by the time I got into the hood I would just go home.
She got back to me as I was about to head for home and told me Editors just started their set. I jumped out of the cab and used my lip print hand stamp to get back in. I immediately went to the bar and grabbed a polish beer of some sort. It was only $4 - keep in mind this is a rock venue, that's awesome. I really dig the Warsaw, it's a very cool place for shows and you can eat and drink on the cheap between bands.
Sorry - I got side tracked. As I was saying, I grab my beer and headed for the stage. I immediately started to take some pictures because I didn't know how many songs they had played. I wanted to make sure I got something before it was over. The blue light really made it difficult to get any clear shots.
I'm not sure how long they played prior to my arrival but I would say they played about 5-6 songs while I was there. They are an amazing band and you should see them now before they're huge. I was surprised by how many songs I knew the words to despite not actually having any of their music. Everyone seemed to know the words to the songs and half of the crowd was dancing as well.
The show came to a halt and the band did an encore (did I mention I hate encores?) and then I went outside. I ran into Andy Shaw and he told me the official after party was down the street at Supreme Trading. I went over there but I was literally one of five people there. I decided to take off and hit the sack - of course as I was walking out everyone started showing up but I didn't give a fuck at that point. So ends my crazy night of venue hopping - it was pretty fun, but goddamn expensive.

1 comment:
This is my bootleg of the show... spread it around...
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