Cut/Dirty Down @ Lit (Pictures)
After about an hour and a half I had enough of Beauty Bar and I headed over to old faithful - Rififi. It was kinda dead when we arrived - there wasn't even a line outside. Once we got inside things started to pick up a little but it was relatively tame by Rififi standards. I still had a great time though and the crowd was awesome as always.We strolled into the Beauty Bar a little after midnight. I immediately noticed an odd mix of people. There were preppy jock looking kids, average hipster types, and random people dressed in 60's gear. The front bar was packed so we decided to head to the back.
It was pretty tripped out in the back - very flower power. The back room reminded me of the club scene in Austin Powers 2. Despite not eating anything I was relatively sober while I was at Beauty Bar. I kept telling my friend that it could have been a good time if I was shitfaced. But I wasn't and it was just too random of a crowd to have a good time sober. Here are some pictures (thanks Andy):
It was pretty tripped out in the back - very flower power. The back room reminded me of the club scene in Austin Powers 2. Despite not eating anything I was relatively sober while I was at Beauty Bar. I kept telling my friend that it could have been a good time if I was shitfaced. But I wasn't and it was just too random of a crowd to have a good time sober. Here are some pictures (thanks Andy):
Speaking of "as always" - around 3 or so the pigs rolled up and kicked everyone out. It was pretty fucked up, but I expect that at Rififi now. I didn't really understand it though, there wasn't all that many people there. I guess the cops had nothing better to do. Aren't there unsolved murders they could be working on? Here is Antonio of Trash's MySpace bulletin regarding the situation:
i gotta say guys, i'm kinda bummed... the 5-0 really have it out for trash!
you know when i woke this morning this was still america and dancing wasn't a misdemeanor ! !
sorry to everyone who had to leave early for no good reason...
And here are a few Pics i snapped:
Trash @ Rififi

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