When you show up at a place at nearly 2AM everyone is already completely shitfaced and swinging from chandeliers. I used to know this but the lure of free booze made me forget. Maybe open bars aren't that cool, maybe it's worth just paying for it like a normal person. The problem with pounding booze at 11 is by 1 you're fucking spent - and that's not fun.
Anyway, last night we get in to Rififi and the party is raging. It wasn't quite like the old days but it was the best I've seen it in a while. To be honest nothing super exciting happened, it was just a combination of cool people to talk to and great music to dance to - which is what drew me to Trash in the first place.
At one point some tall hot girl walks up to me when I was in line for the bathroom and asks if I was in line. I said yes and then noticed she looked totally fucked out of her mind. I said, "Are you OK?" and then she threw up all over the floor inches away from my shoes.
We left after last call with a swarm of flashing lights outside. I was pretty gone by that point and didn't bother to notice if it was cops or the fire department - either way flashing lights are never good. Anyway, it looks like the Trash crew has stepped it up a notch. For the second week in a row Trash has been a good time, this time in particular.
Come out next week and wear your dancing shoes - just make sure that broad doesn't hurl on them.
Trash @ Rififi
El Bandito de Stinkfinger

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